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What are the benefits of joining our VIP club?
So many! And did we tell you? It’s free!
If you love thrift shop deals (and of course you do, you thrifty shopper you) then you’ll want to join our VIP Club to take advantage of all these benefits:
Earn loyalty points with every purchase. Every $1 spent = 1 point. Earn 100 points, get $5 off. Earn 150 points, get $10 off. Points are valid for 24 months.
The VIP Club is the only way to guarantee you’ll receive coupons. (Though we may, on occasion, offer sales to the general public.)
Birthday Coupon sent 1 week before your birthday, valid for 3 weeks after your birthday (one month total)
Exclusive VIP Member-Only coupons and discounts
Exclusive VIP Members-Only sales and events throughout the year
“First to Know” VIP announcements about sales and promotions